Wednesday, June 17, 2009

june garden 2009

well here i am two days after my repentance process and im blogging again......holy cow im haveing a bloggamania melt down......well i said i would post some garden pictures, and here they are..the garden is doing just great...there are prob over 40 tomatoes that have set and will ripen soon...and this is just the begining...we have cucumbers already and squash also...the corn must have been set straight by the angels, cus i didnt go out and do basil is doing this is a promiseing year for the garden extension,so here they are...if anyone wants to come and visit, we will gladly share our blessings of food...fixed grizzman style.....hope your all well and enjoying the summer....its pretty hot here.....heat index over 100......i think a green house on the north pole would be ok with me........grizzman...p.s....the plant near the blue barrles is a gradenina that greg planted about 3 or 4 years ago , it was a start from our other plant we have, its a beauty and was planted by my son...his thumb must be green like his dads...

Monday, June 15, 2009

forced update

the title of this blog is named such because of the one person who bugged me to update, and she knows who she is.....but ive been way to lax with this this year ...why have a blog if your not going to here i am repenting....i think trying to write all that has happened since christmas would take me forever, so i wont......i shall insert the one big project i did for susan , our 30th anniversary was on april 6th and i wanted to make something that was for her, so i made her a very large jewlery case, and i will post its pictures today, so as to pick up where i can post a normal size post i will tell what is going on now. summer has arrived, its hot, i dont like it, and i want fall here.....we have expanded our garden this year, it has taxed my limits, and next year we will do square box for now we have about 40 tomatoe plants, we have squash, cucumbers, bell peppers, eggplant, and for the corn i dont know if it will make it, it was doing great until we had a storm, it pretty much was laid out, so i went out and fixed 40 stalks of corn...then the next happened again......haveing back problems and other problems with my arms and hands...this is not a good the corn might be on its own..i will not grow it again.....i learned that corn is grown in large fields for a helps protect one sister grows hers in circles...and i guess it works for her...but i am a retired corn grower as of today...i will post some pictures of the growing crops in a few days. as for my family , they seem to be doing well, they just returned from a camping trip, where a hail storm was one of the events...they both were sporting new tents and they seemed to have survived, i am working on a few smaller projects, and until fall comes my wood working will be limited to either very early mornings or middle of the night..way to hot in the shop for day activities. So as for blogging...i am caught up and will do better to stay up to and blessings to all. grizzman